Discretionary Fund

There is a limited amount of funding available for young people who are not members of our supported organisations.  Applicants must live in Dorset/Wiltshire and be under 22 years.  Requests will be considered for financial awards for young people to fund for example, travel costs/activities/training/equipment etc, aimed at supporting personal development and the pursuit of ambitions.

Recipients of the Charity’s Young Achievers Awards are selected for their demonstration of the foundation’s key values:- courage, determination, unselfishness and cheerfulness in adversity.  Evidence to be detailed on the application.

Application process

Applications need to be completed by the young person themselves, supported by a letter of endorsement from a significant adult or teacher, and sent direct to the JTYAF at JTYAF, PO Box 7124, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 2DB or completed using the button below.

Applications will be considered by the JTYAF Trustees, and the decision based on the majority.  The upper age limit for applications is 22 years at the date of application.